
Revised Statutes (October 2004)

Educational cooperation will take place under the name of:


Its aim is to enhance the educational experience of participants.

The schools intend to cooperate in the first instance for a period of five school years, beginning in the academic year 2000-2001. This can be adjusted by consensus.

The agreement is a statement of intention by participating schools and has no legal binding.

Each school will enter into cooperation within the group to maximise educational opportunities for participants, without prejudicing its own national obligations.

The network will be represented and coordinated by a committee of six persons, in the first instance two coming from each of the two founding schools plus two others. They will serve for a period of two years, after which they may be re-elected or replaced. A chairperson will be elected by the general membership. The secretary and treasurer will be elected by the committee.

The committee will have the power to co-opt additional members if and when necessary.

The committee will meet at least two times a year.

All network members are equal and will meet annually at a General meeting. The agenda for this meeting will be drawn up after consultation with all members.

In principle, each partner school pays its own costs. The AGM can make special allowances for this if necessary. If the network receives sponsor money, donations or subsidies, the AGM will decide how the money will be utilised, following proposals from the committee.

Application for membership procedure:

  1. Applicants must have proved their reliability in previous exchanges with a member school.
  2. Member of ESN2000 sends a proposal (including a letter of presentation from the new school) to the secretary.
  3. Secretary sends the proposal and presentation to all members of ESN2000.
  4. Members respond within one month. No reaction means agreement.
  5. When a majority of 2/3 is reached the application is accepted.
  6. Secretary reports the result to all ESN2000 members within one month after deadline for responses. A letter of acceptance is sent to the new school by the secretary.
  7. The secretary sends an invitation to the AGM to the new member school.

Guidelines for membership:

  • Reliability proved in previous exchanges
  • Realistic expectations
  • Possibilities for exchange projects
  • Approval of their school’s senior management team
  • Ability to communicate in English (for meetings)
  • Available to attend the Annual General meeting
  • Can provide host families
  • In a location where there is currently no representative